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Dreptul protectiei consumatorului

Dreptul protectiei consumatorului

Statul, prin mijloacele prevazute de lege, protejeaza cetatenii in calitatea lor de consumatori, asigurind cadrul necesar accesului neingradit la pro…
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Avocat Dreptul muncii

Avocat Dreptul muncii

Dreptul muncii este ramura de drept care cuprinde normele juridice aplicabile relatiilor de munca individuale si colective ce se nasc…
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Avocat Dreptul mediului

Avocat Dreptul mediului

Definiţia, metoda de reglementare şi obiectul dreptului mediului. DREPTUL MEDIULUI = ramură de drept distinctă din sistemul de drept românesc,…
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Dreptul international privat

Dreptul international privat

Dreptul international privat const ituie o disciplina de sinteza, avand ca obiect de studiu raportul de drept privat cu element…
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Dreptul financiar si fiscal

Dreptul financiar si fiscal

Normele juridice apartinand Dreptului financiar si fiscal se afla intro stransa conlucrare, o delimitare este de altfel greu de facut:…
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Avocat Dreptul familiei

Avocat Dreptul familiei

Dreptul Familiei este reprezentat de totalitatea normelor juridice care reglementeaza raporturile personale si patrimoniale ce izvorasc din casatorie, adoptie si…
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us and winning

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We have the most professional lawyers to help you. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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We have a winning strategy that we can not afford. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

We have best Attorneys Team

We take a close look at your profile for the best possible directionelit.


King Law has extensive experience across all industries. We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake.
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King Law has extensive experience across all industries. We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake.


He personal injury attorneys in Phoenix, LonDon at KingLaw Firm have the compassion and trial lawyer skills to tell your story to a jury.

We will get to know you and your family so that we can help the jury understand what has happened to you and your family and how it has changed your lives.


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